He always does that! one day i'll whack him on the head baru tau.
I'm Racheal without the A, thank you!Ahemmm....
One fine night in a fit of sien-ness, inspiration, and everyone's doin'-it-so-let's-doit spirit, Haan here decided to start a blog!
He is a firm believer of the power of graphical content, while I, being a firm believer in the power of words...decided on a random idea - why not do it together?
This idea was birthed in the midst of the dreary Communication and Ecology report(s).

Look at the amount of books I borrowed. Muahahaha. (some overdue oso...heheh..I'm goin2 pay a hefty fine for that...)
Back to me....erm I go by the pseudonym Chalenger...the proud owner of a diary-blog (which I will show you if I trust you enough! =P)...and...I am basically Haan's pretty funny hardworking coursemate-of-three-months-so-far lo...(have to be hardworking leh...architecture mar)
see even Haan here has to be hardworking.

YES, it IS Haan working. Don't be too shocked now, guys. First time he worked I couldn't believe it oso =P.
but of course we do have fun once in a while.

(can't see the small text here, but thts okay...bit offensive actually)
and we're here to give you all some fun while relieving our boredom. XD
Having 3 bros gives me the ability to enjoy a guy's sentiments and their point of view I guess. For example, I distinctly remembered hearing Haan burp like...erm...less than 10 times after eating pizza....
All these are memories. :P Enjoy~~~~~~