ok well. this is my first time doing this tagging thing.. lol.. sorry if i end up screwing this..
1) Rules get posted at the beginning
2) Answer the questions..then go tag 5 people
Starting time : 2245Syd time.
Name: Haan
Sisters: 1 - lurve her very much.....
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: UK Lapan
Height: 170 ? im short man.. #^@$!&
Where do you live: A city call Alor Setar ... LOL
Favourite drinks: Protien shake.. yummy
Favourite breakfast: I dont eat breakfast, only brunch
Have you ever been on a plane: yea
Swam in ocean: is playing by the beach counted ?
Fallen asleep in school: yes, n infact i was sleeping in 1 of the lecture yesteday and He was staring at me !! %$#%$@$%
Fell off your chair: don't remember
Sat by the phone waiting for someone to call: No
Saved email: I don't delete interesting email or important
What's your room like: a prison cell
What's right beside you: Mouse.. duh.. Captain Obvious
What's the last thing you ate: Cabonara Spaghetti .yummy
Ever had chicken pox: yes and it leave me a fucking mark right on my forehead. Fuck u chicken pox
Sore throat: Always.. haiz..
Stiches: NO
Broken nose: NO
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes
Like picnics: Yea
Who was the last person you danced with: Dont remember when was the last time i dance.
You yelled at: no one
Best feeling in the world: Beating your opponent in sports n after scoring a nice goal =)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: NO
What's under your bed: my modal.. my luggage
Who do you really hate: I dont hate.. I show them love..
What time is it now: 2257
who's on your mind now: Villa Savoye
Do you have siblings: yes
Do you want children: yes i lurve babies..
Do you smile often: yes
Do you like your handwriting:NO, worst handwritings
Are your toenails painted: NO
What colour shirt you wearing: blue
What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: viewing black board
Are you a friendly person: Yes i guess or No lol
Do you have pets: is the kutu on my bed counted pets..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: I don't know. doing her assignment perhaps
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: mean everything
What were you doing before doing this tag: just came back from gym n swimming.
Have you ever crawled through a window: Yes. I locked myself out, n i got to climb in to take my key.
Can you handle the truth: yes.
Are you closer to your mother or father: neither
Do you eat healthy: No
5 things on my to-do-list today
1) Search info about Villa Savoye (drawing measurements,site info)
2) GYM
4) Learn Archi Cad
5) Watch "sorry, I love you"
5 of my bad habits
1)Snore when im sleeping. Im trying to overcome it..
2)Once i see something i like, i will get it asap no matter what.
3)Sleeping at 5am
4)Waking up at 2pm
5)Do something crazy
5 places I lived in
1) Alor Setar
2) Mantin, Seremban
3) Tanjung Bungah , Penang
4) Como , Perth
5) Newcastle
5 jobs I had
1) Money keeper in some hyper market
2) Working in KFC