An abandoned blog!!!!
And what can I do with an abandoned blog??
Especially when the probability of anyone sien enough stumbling upon this is near zero???
(evil smile)
Especially after......
You know what it makes me feel like doing?
Uh-huh...oh yeah...
DANCING some mindless sexy dancing like Hugh Grant....
I know some of you guys saw me dance more than once, but believe me, I haven't even started. Cos personally, I believe dancing to be a form of expression. Not meaning to insult my fellow members of the same sex in that club in Sydney, but puh-lease.
What's the point of dancing like that...
Okay, maybe say, pushing your hips is some form of dancing...cos heck, the King of Pop does something else!

Michael Jackson performing Billie Jean
Conclusion: I shouldnt complain.
Cos its a form of a unique art that Michael Jackson, whose dance moves I personally admire, have perfected and made who he is today.
And no, I don't mean touching his crotch. Its way more than that.
Its confidence. I love dancing, because I can express my feminine confidence that I don't really wanna show for some weird reason we girls have to annoy the hell out of guys. XD
If they really know how much of that confidence we have, it'll burn them up.
even more than the Human Torch.
Which is the reason why I enjoy dances even like those from the Pointer Sisters.