Had a great session at hillsong with Brooke Fraser! (she sings so well! I cried.)
One fine day chopping onions, I've decided that I will not stand for being alone, moody, thoughtful and depressed (as you all usually notice) in my apartment.
proably cos got no internet+roomate not move in+everywhere I go internet hates me. ARGH
I have even stooped down to the level of stealing wifi from my old roomie's house!
Thus, I picked up my phone, and texted Mitch for a dinner!
After a misadventure of taking a wrong bus and doing exercise in the process, we ended safely at home-and I cooked macaroni carbonara! And Mitch explored my apartment.
Had a few good girl talk, and she spotted my facial kit. while being kepo...and she paid for it dearly
Actually I secretly see it as an indulgence.
Then I dragged herkicking and screaming and transformed her into this:
You all know me better right.
Besides I wouldn't have tortured myself too. Muahahaha!
The benefits of clay+rosetoner+pearl cream:
-kind of decreases oil production
-suck up blackheads and dead skin
-calm skin
Then when I looked properly at the cake Mitch bought, I REALISED THAT IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY....nooo why didn't I see that on facebook?? embarassed-nyer....so lucky i invite her man...
yum creamy sinful taro cake
I'm glad we had fun though, with the dinner, beer, the tea too much tea and talk.Good Saturday, around 9am.
The morning-after was a bit blur as we woke up early.
see the birthday girl so sleepy
Beware of the "pao-zhou po/niang"
Mitch and her natural photography
finally she's 20!!(not old laaa) and awake
Gotta catch the train to the Easter Show!
Met up with Andy and Granma. It was really fun. Seriously, contrary to popular belief it can be, even without friends.Gotta catch the train to the Easter Show!
After that we went on a mini-adventure to search for the Ashfield RSL club to eat a $20-buffet. Eat till you burst. Loved the desserts. Ate Sinful chocolate cake again.
*more photos in part 2!*