Its glaringly obvious that Ar. Haan has temporarily(I hope) abandoned his blog.
Therefore, I do apologize to those who might be reading this which is highly unlikely, of course!
I haven't exactly consulted him on this, but as a man who finishes what he starts, I will continue to make good use of this space...
Oh, I've successfully enrolled and am now an official UNSW architectural student =)
Before you all cry irrational stuff like
But seriously la...Newcastle has been great for me. I did a lot of firsts. Lets see...
1. First time hanging out with guys only-ok la its not too a big deal but I realised its real cool, you know? They have a totally different view on things.
2. First time not sleeping for a night straight-not another one I'm looking forward to, but an experience nevertheless!
3. First time having such wacky lecturers-will perhaps sort of miss the funny Mr JR a.k.a. John Roberts. All experiences weren't sweet with him, but I have taken his critics constrctively and learn from it in the future.
4. Asked a guy to dance-CRAZYness to the extreme!...No regrets on that one although he refused like I expected him (a typical chinese educated Msian) to, I went on to
5. Dance with other guys...was it cha cha or salsa? It was a very interesting experience that brought further insight on many things...:P
6. And of course, doing drinking games...haih, thank goodness tak ade hangovers i will never ever attempt that...but most likely thanks to the gentlemanly guys who once drank my share for me when the doubles came, knowing I hated beer...:D aww
7. First presentation!....scary but I guess it was okay....on my family/unity concept...2 Rooms
8. My first university. How can I ever forget my first la?
no matter how Taman-Negara-ish it is...
9. My first and possibly best ever, studio experience with my coursemates.
I will so totally miss that. Newcastle studios definitely beat UNSW's..
10. Oh. And my first co-authored blog! A great place to create mischief and write and post pictures that is product of the sien-ness we experience here!
eg:check out Haan's perverted paper cranes...

2. First time not sleeping for a night straight-not another one I'm looking forward to, but an experience nevertheless!
3. First time having such wacky lecturers-will perhaps sort of miss the funny Mr JR a.k.a. John Roberts. All experiences weren't sweet with him, but I have taken his critics constrctively and learn from it in the future.
4. Asked a guy to dance-CRAZYness to the extreme!...No regrets on that one although he refused like I expected him (a typical chinese educated Msian) to, I went on to
5. Dance with other guys...was it cha cha or salsa? It was a very interesting experience that brought further insight on many things...:P
6. And of course, doing drinking games...haih, thank goodness tak ade hangovers i will never ever attempt that...but most likely thanks to the gentlemanly guys who once drank my share for me when the doubles came, knowing I hated beer...:D aww
7. First presentation!....scary but I guess it was okay....on my family/unity concept...2 Rooms
8. My first university. How can I ever forget my first la?
no matter how Taman-Negara-ish it is...
9. My first and possibly best ever, studio experience with my coursemates.
I will so totally miss that. Newcastle studios definitely beat UNSW's..
10. Oh. And my first co-authored blog! A great place to create mischief and write and post pictures that is product of the sien-ness we experience here!
eg:check out Haan's perverted paper cranes...
Rest assured, Newcastle shall always be a part of me!
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