Friday, December 12, 2008
Random Chain of Thought
-A criminal one would be cool. I find myself constantly wondering and analyzing about the actions and the mind of the human.
-But another part of me objects to the many assumptions of science: having your own brother diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed suppressive drugs don't help boost my personal opinion on psychiatrists.
-perhaps we have to find a holistic way of solving the problem. The root of the problem.
-which for me, I personally believe that Christ, and the power of the human touch, is the answer.
-of which, if I was studying medicine right now, I know I'll make a lousy psychiatrist.
-I would have to think more of ways to revolutionize the ways of medicine, a solution that reaches far beyond oral suppressants and pep talks.
-that of course, would be really challenging and appealing to me, but
-of course that may bring success, not fulfillment.
-and I, being a person of simple pleasures, would choose happiness over success.
-looking at pop sitting on the couch,
-he's a successful man. a man who's probly considered as one of the most inspiring leaders who's inspired others to be leaders.
-when you try to talk to him, it's most likely that his mind is elsewhere.
-it reminds me of myself. and i ask, do I want to be like that someday.
-more importantly, would any man leave me if I turned out like that some day?
-mom doesn't like me to think so much of this.
-maybe I shouldn't. No matter how much I stew my thoughts,
-no matter how much I strategize, my fate is not my own.
-because no matter how much you try, you can't control love.
-you can be friends, make the first move, look good, show the best of yourself,
-but you cannot be totally sure that the one you have your eye's on is going to stay interested.
-I can now honestly tell myself that I haven't the capacity to work on a relationship.
-I am frustratingly self-centered. It's a disease. It makes me say things that I don't mean, do things I don't mean to do.
-and the more I stew, I know there's so much to do: get a car, a job, manage my house, manage my social life, see the world, all in a bid to attain enough confidence and self-suffciency to prove to myself to be the best I can.
-but the more I look at others, the more I think this: she didn't have to work to get into a relationship, why should I?
-its a circular argument, you see. I'm arguing with myself. Arguing with God.
-I've finally gotten into the heart of the matter.
-firstly, I do not know what I need. I realise now that I am after instant gratification. Throw me a bf right now, I do not think I will be able to be what he needs, as I am an extremely selfish person.
-secondly. I am afraid to surrender to God's will.
-And lastly. I do not like to wait.
Something Sien To Do durin' the Summer Hols
1) Pig out and parasite in your parent's home
2) Buy and hoad all the stuffs you can get to smuggle back to Aust, the Land Where Everything Is Expensive.
3) Abandon your blog.
4) Be totally antisocial.
5) Be a social butterfly.
6) Speak all the broken English all you want.
You get the idea.
I, for one have accepted a challenge from a dear dear friend who's obsessed with her weight.
Thus we get to LOSE WEIGHT during our holidays!!
But seriously this is playing way outta my favor.
Firstly I have to go through Christmas.
And in Winter, you GET FAT.
Don't even think of what those crap the mags tell you about losing weight in winter.
Aaaaaand....there's CNY!!!!
See? No hope liao.
and my friend is spending her hols in Aust, where she can focus without undue distraction.
NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!
On a happy note though, I have the advantage of family support such as:
1) Having my brother Jord abuse me on how fat am I when he checks the seatbelt,
2) Having my other brother Andy force me to his prom, giving me another reason to shape up,
3) Having my father say, you're not fat la....while in fact, he's secretly happy that I'm fat, so that he doesn't have to be fat alone.
4) Having my dear mom being so understanding and supportive meals-wise, and then say: "Why wanna be thin??? You want to get more sick like Miss XXX ar? Tai nyor lo, I never wan to be thin, just normal. So don't you get that idea into your head!!"
To which I cheekily replied: "Too late, I've had it in my head liao!" :P
So I'm going to use this place as a food diary.
Note that all is calculated and custom-made with regards to healthy realistic eating, and BMI.
Before weight: 64kg.
Optimal Aim* : 55kg.
Basic Lifestyle Changes
Wake up at 7am everyday. Sleep at latest 11pm.
Eat a big breakfast. Small lunch, dinner vegan.
Focus on vege and fruits, and protein.
Workout for 3 times a week.
Refrain from icecream and naps, for now.
So far, its working. I'm down to 61kg for now. Have to focus more on overall toning. For the America trip, I'll just have to do the diet thing...
*with realistic aims in 2 and a half months. Maximum losing can be only until 50kg. But that will be nuts.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Looks Like We Have An Abandoned Blog Here!
And what can I do with an abandoned blog??
Uh-huh...oh yeah...
I know some of you guys saw me dance more than once, but believe me, I haven't even started. Cos personally, I believe dancing to be a form of expression. Not meaning to insult my fellow members of the same sex in that club in Sydney, but puh-lease.
What's the point of dancing like that...

Michael Jackson performing Billie Jean
Conclusion: I shouldnt complain.
Cos its a form of a unique art that Michael Jackson, whose dance moves I personally admire, have perfected and made who he is today.
And no, I don't mean touching his crotch. Its way more than that.
Its confidence. I love dancing, because I can express my feminine confidence that I don't really wanna show for some weird reason we girls have to annoy the hell out of guys. XD
If they really know how much of that confidence we have, it'll burn them up.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I don't want to get sick, I don't want to get sick.
oh, and for people who are interested in getting to know the opposite sex, (hint*, hehe)
check this out!
besides organizing a drama for the dinner I'm going to attend, I'm looking for a partner to go with as well to save cost...hahaha....
Depressed Post
Calculation of MY marks so Far:
Communication in The Built Environment 2: unsure...most likely Credit
History and Theory of Architecture: 31% out of 100%...possible marks Credit
Architecture Design 1B: 52.5% out of 100%.....
And note that Architecture Design is worth 2 times the mark....THUS....
I need to get 92% in Architecture Design Beach Box to 100% CONFIRM get accepted in UNSW!
I'm so depressed right now.
Okay, I'm moving on. Back to work.
People, please don't mention how's my studies going. It's so shit right now.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
So Dead.
I have approached death a few days ago. You know what? If you wanna install new guinea pig programs like ArchiCAD on Vista, make sure you have a good Graphic Card.
Or'll end up like me, kena bug!
People take weeks (minimum a week) to render and create basic model, and I, on the other hand, took ONE FREAKING DAY to re-create the <#%*@ model!
So people, especially graphic people, or students for the matter, take my advice.
Oh, and I've decided after history, I will not procrastinate anymore.
erm....then why am I blogging here instead of doing my essay...hmmm
So why am I dead?
Because...............I'm going to do my history essay from scratch, using less than 72 hours!
I'm going to try anyway. I've finished a report in 1 day before.
See why I'm so dead now?
I'll upload my favourite rendered image here when I'm free.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sorry for the temporary abandonment guys...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today is Wednesday, and i dint achieve anything today , apart from going to the library to print some Villa Savoye buildings floor plans I did nothing. Im having a hard time mastering archi CAD. Every time i turn on Archi CAD program, the tools in Archi CAD turn me off. I just wish there is an animated Japanese girl beside the screen instructing what to click . haha.. But i guess it wont happen... Maybe I should send an email to Archi CAD company to suggest them to invent this animated girl to improve their selling market and beat Auto CAD..
Im going to gym in 10 minutes time. Guess my every night routine is the same . GYM , SWIMMING then back to my room and slack till 3 or 4 am then wake up the next day and continue doing it over and over again. Is this the life of a student? I just cant wait to graduate and do something exciting and live a life with full of adventure, although i still got 4 more years to go.... LOL.. Guess my hope is still not that near..... will post again after gym n swimming..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My first time doing this tag thing...
1) Rules get posted at the beginning
2) Answer the questions..then go tag 5 people
Starting time : 2245Syd time.
Name: Haan
Sisters: 1 - lurve her very much.....
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: UK Lapan
Height: 170 ? im short man.. #^@$!&
Where do you live: A city call Alor Setar ... LOL
Favourite drinks: Protien shake.. yummy
Favourite breakfast: I dont eat breakfast, only brunch
Have you ever been on a plane: yea
Swam in ocean: is playing by the beach counted ?
Fallen asleep in school: yes, n infact i was sleeping in 1 of the lecture yesteday and He was staring at me !! %$#%$@$%
Fell off your chair: don't remember
Sat by the phone waiting for someone to call: No
Saved email: I don't delete interesting email or important
What's your room like: a prison cell
What's right beside you: Mouse.. duh.. Captain Obvious
What's the last thing you ate: Cabonara Spaghetti .yummy
Ever had chicken pox: yes and it leave me a fucking mark right on my forehead. Fuck u chicken pox
Sore throat: Always.. haiz..
Stiches: NO
Broken nose: NO
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes
Like picnics: Yea
Who was the last person you danced with: Dont remember when was the last time i dance.
You yelled at: no one
Best feeling in the world: Beating your opponent in sports n after scoring a nice goal =)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: NO
What's under your bed: my modal.. my luggage
Who do you really hate: I dont hate.. I show them love..
What time is it now: 2257
who's on your mind now: Villa Savoye
Do you have siblings: yes
Do you want children: yes i lurve babies..
Do you smile often: yes
Do you like your handwriting:NO, worst handwritings
Are your toenails painted: NO
What colour shirt you wearing: blue
What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: viewing black board
Are you a friendly person: Yes i guess or No lol
Do you have pets: is the kutu on my bed counted pets..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: I don't know. doing her assignment perhaps
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: mean everything
What were you doing before doing this tag: just came back from gym n swimming.
Have you ever crawled through a window: Yes. I locked myself out, n i got to climb in to take my key.
Can you handle the truth: yes.
Are you closer to your mother or father: neither
Do you eat healthy: No
5 things on my to-do-list today
1) Search info about Villa Savoye (drawing measurements,site info)
2) GYM
4) Learn Archi Cad
5) Watch "sorry, I love you"
5 of my bad habits
1)Snore when im sleeping. Im trying to overcome it..
2)Once i see something i like, i will get it asap no matter what.
3)Sleeping at 5am
4)Waking up at 2pm
5)Do something crazy
5 places I lived in
1) Alor Setar
2) Mantin, Seremban
3) Tanjung Bungah , Penang
4) Como , Perth
5) Newcastle
5 jobs I had
1) Money keeper in some hyper market
2) Working in KFC
19 August 2008

Hi everybody, long time dint post,because I cant log into , duno why. but well im back =) Well , 2nd semester of the uni started 4 weeks ago and now its week 5. Time past fast ,time just fly as im typing this post,time just fly by as your reading this post. Sometimes i wonder what is the point of life ? i don't really get why should we suffer so much from life. Why do we have to study so much ? Why do we have to do all these. Cant we just live in a world there is NO rules , NO law ,NO Rich , NO poor, NO races, NO religion,NO need for greed or hunger , NO boundaries between country..... Everybody living life in peace.... This remind me of the song IMAGINE from John Lenon.. But all these wont happen........ HAIZ.. going gym now.. will write again when im back.
Monday, June 16, 2008
You will never believe this.
Erm. Right.
I was just kidding. Go to that website, get a good pic, and walah. A mag with YOU on front cover!
So fake man...I still laugh at myself looking at it.
Lets see others in it...
or maybe this one's better:
this one's a classic, people-watching!:
and then this one:
this is a personal favourite of mine......
how to be a infamous superstar? take revenge on friends/make compliments using pics?
Answer: Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
15th May 2008

The class was so damn boring. So Rachael decide to do something interesting. She bring out a paper and tear it into half. I wonder what the hell is she doing. after 15 minutes or maybe faster or slower.. Haha.. She came up with a sexy swan..hahah.

After JW saw it, his hand also gatal and made a handsome swan.

After minutes , dirty stuff start to occur in our mind.. haha.. 18 SX soon..
At first 2 swan meet each other.

After a while, they did something that they should not do.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Presentation Surprise!
Today was the day of my presentation for ARBE 1100, and believe it or not, both me and JW did not do a single thing (excluding measuring) until the very day itself.
So we worked our guts off at the library...knowing that without a script or a professional looking layout, we were perhaps doomed to failure...
JW being the guy he was, refused when I offered him a dummy card for an emergency script.
Me being the optimist and the idealistic, said, hopefully the tutor will be sick and that we wouldn't need to do the presentation after all.
Nonsense of course!
But after we arrived at the BSC, and a while later, JW and I camwhored in front of the Red Square, after screaming, YES!!!!...
Well, cos..
Celebrate with a box of chips!
Now everyone cheer with me:
Uh, huh, oh yeah. Uh huh, oh yeah. I'm lovin' it, ba la ba, ba, ba~~~
This is way better than having a nice tutor :P
Friday, May 16, 2008
Lectures, model making and etc.
The moment I unconsciously decide to do exactly the opposite of what the lecturer asked us to do, I cause a lot of problems for myself.
Oh by the way I'm typing this out at the AIC now, waiting for the next Architecture Design Module on a fit of sien-ness and spirit of procrastination....of which I am pretty sure that Haan will not attend....
But hey, I guess I can't blame him either, 'cos 3 of the 4 lectures are so freaking boring!!!
Here's what we have in these lectures:
Communication in the BE-
Construction technology-
Construction Ecology-
Don't wanna elaborate, I'll make even you poor readers fall asleep...
Architectural Design.... :)
But still, I respect all of these lecturers for their patience and fortitude and....erm...wisdom.
I should take their advice, but sometimes I choose not to.
Even when Dreary John Drake said (with a beady eye): Knives are keep that in mind while making your models.
JR said (in his casual way): "Don't make models in the night, as your motor skills will not be as effective..."
Even when JW showed me his bandaged finger...after a night of fiddling with the models, I refused to be afraid of the threats and warnings that result with Model-Making In The Night.
(it bled like a tomato, I tell you. Cut in about 2mm deep, 1.5cm wide I think. Too graphic for readers.)
Monday, May 5, 2008
My take on love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Learn to love the people who are with you atpresent. Forget the people in the past and thankthem for hurting you, which led you to love thepeople you have right now.When you love someone, you'll do crazy thingsyou can't explain, you'll deny the truth and believein lies. When you love someone, you sacrifice,give everything you've got and don't think twice.You risk it all no matter what.Everything in life is temporary because everythingchanges. That is why it takes courage to love,knowing it might end anytime... having faith willmake it last.Love is the feeling we fall in and out of, and everytime we fall off, we learn to hold on tighter...hopingthat next time, we may never have to let go.They say when love knocks at your door, open it.But do you know that sometimes love entersthrough the back door and before you begin tonotice it, it's on it's way out.Have you ever loved only to let it go?Have you ever hated someone and loved him so?Have you ever missed someone so bad it madeyou cry?Have you ever seen someone left alone withoutknowing why?Lucky is the man who wins the first love of awoman but luckier is the woman who wins the lastlove of a man.Love is not the right word to say when you feelguilty nor the right word to say when you like aperson but love really matters when we share ourthoughts, our minds, and our hearts.Love is not for beauty or color of the skin, but for aheart that is loyal within, for beauty fades and theskin would grow old but a heart that is loyal willnever turn cold.If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks yourheart, forgive them for they have helped you learnabout trust and the importance of being cautious towhom you open your heart.A love is easy to feel, so hard to explain; so easyto get, so hard to let go; so easy to spell, so hardto define... and yet everyone is still taking therisk.We are all a little weird and life's a littleweird, andwhen we find someone whose weirdness iscompatible with ours, we join up with them and fallin love in mutual weirdness and call it Love.Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, itmay give you aches and pain, but if you don'tfollow your heart, in the end you will cry even morefor not giving love a chance.Don't run ahead of God. Let Him direct your steps.He has plans and He has His time. God's clock isnever one minute early nor one minute late. Italways strikes right on time.If someone loves you, love them back not onlybecause they love you, but also because they areteaching you to love and opening your heart andeyes to things you have never seen or felt withoutthem.The past is meant to be used as a tool for thefuture. Bad experiences indeed make you bitterbut the lessons learned should make you better.It hurts to see someone you love happy withsomebody else; but wouldn't it hurt you more tosee that person unhappy with you?When you find arms that will hold you at yourweakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest,lips that will kiss you in both instances, and aheart that will love you at your worst, then youhave found true love.Someday, someone might come into your life andlove you in a way you always wanted.If your someday was yesterday.. LEARNIf your someday is tomorrow.. HOPEIf your someday is today.. CHERISH
Quoted from someone's blog..
its meaningful
At last the END !!!
i love it nowwwwwww..........
im gonna update the blog later on.. maybe tml !!!!
here's the lyric :
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Ah I sien d.....
One fine night in a fit of sien-ness, inspiration, and everyone's doin'-it-so-let's-doit spirit, Haan here decided to start a blog!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Brain freeze
All the previous post are written by Racheal..
This is the 1st post Im going to write myself... My english grammer suxx so please dont mind my english .. For my very 1st report assignment I already kena FUCK by my lecture already, and guess how many mark i get.. 35 out of 100.. ya rite.. im not joking around.

Now im doing my new report..
Haiz.. Brain stuck again.. i cant think of anything now. This report is killing me... This report entitled "Written communication in the building industry has been obsolete with the advances that have been made in computer communication in the fields of CAD and BIM software systems".. What type of question is that ?? What the hell do you mean by written communication in the building industry !!! I tried my utmost to search in all electrical journal and even google it , but still i cant find the definition of WRITTEN COMMUNICATION... After fed up searching , I decided to seek help from my tutor.. The moment I show the tutor the question , she reply my back "WHAT THE HELL QUESTION IS THIS " and im like =.= ... The tutor said sorry, she cant help me.. den im like oh ok ~~~ @#!@#!$%#$%#^^# She said she will ask the lecture.. but till now I still cant get the reply from her.. but oh well.. I dun care already... I will just try to assume it.. Anyway the marking rubric is about references, so i dont give a damn anymore ! Now back to work.. hopefully i can finish it by tonight and submit into TURNITIN !!!!!
Enjoy this song.. its relaxing when ur brain is freeze ..
Monday, April 28, 2008
Crazy son of a bitches....
We saw THIS

and what do you know, we couldn't get through at all, cos.....
THIS isn't the first time that's happened. When it happened the FIRST time, it was STILL acceptable. The crazy monument that consisted of an armchair, sofa and other furniture of IH I couldn't remember was at least half the size of what it is now.
Like THIS.

Talk about the Revenge of the Crazy Sculpture.
What were they thinking man????!!!!! This abnormality was virtually impossible to climb through, cos:

Whereas Rachel had a big bone structure, as a girl.
Conclusion: I was able to wiggle myself across the abnormality to get to the Fire Escape Door, to let my disgruntled partner in.
We put up a note in our annoyance:
Later in the night before we settled in to sleep, we heard a female voice go:
"Crazy son of a bitches."
Note: Chalenger notes that the sculpture disappeared the next morning, with a new note: