Thursday, September 3, 2009

Anecdotes and the four types of people!

The Four Basic Personality Types

some personality types are more emotional than others.

born leaders. their strong personality wants them to be in control. strengths are that they often get things accomplished! weaknesses: BOSSY. they are often very goal-oriented and motivated by new ideas and challenges.

note from author: when the Lord gives me a project, i get all stirred up about it and i go tell my husband, who has a different personality than mine called the...

they show little or no emotion at all. =.= and much logical

scenario: when joyce gets all exited about something, her husband Dave will go: "We'll see." and she says: "At times like this I just wanted to hit him, until I learned to understand him. I was being emotional, and he was being logical. I was looking at the excitement side, and he was looking at the responsibility side of the issue. I used to yell at him: 'Can't you get exited about ANYTHING!??' (LOL) 

We would go into Charismatic churches, and i would go..."wow! Did you feel the presence of God in that place?"  And Dave would say, 'no i didn't feel a thing.' He wasn't basing the experience of God by his feelings. For a long time, I thought the man was emotionally dead. (LOLOL)"

phlegmatic people need to excerice their faith and make an effort to show some emotion. for the sake of the others whom you are in a relationship with, you need to stretch yourself. that way, you are operating in love.

the most emotional type, they are bubbly and seems to bounce. they tend to get on the nerves of a choleric person, but they tend to not notice as they are often so consumed with their energy and fun. they are not very disciplined. do you think they'll worry about forgetting their car park? no, they'll feel that its so funny. now they've got a new story to tell the next time they bubble in!

the total opposite to sanguine-very neat people, plan oriented. however they have the most trouble with depression. they are the deep people, the thinkers, the organizers. they believe there is a place for everything, and everything has a place.

note: most of us have a combination of both of more personality types.

(Joyce Meyers, 1997)

1a How to Be Not Led by Your Feelings

"emotions" in Latin roots means ex-movere, means "moving away".

(ever wondered if there's some evil one out there who wants to move you away from what you supposed to do?-well, that's Satan's move you away from the will of God.)

emotions also means "a complex...strong subjective response...involving psychological changes in preparation for action"(defs from Webster Dictionary)

it is so often easier to do things when we are motivated by emotions! we often perceive the emotional support to be a "yes!" from God! 

CONCLUSION: thus we must understand the very fickle nature of emotions. if we lack understanding of emotions, Satan can use them-or lack of emotions-to keep us from God's will. 

emotions, or god?
there's always a balance needed to grow

sometimes, we need to stop giving too much to people because it can actually hinder them from growing. (like parents not letting go of their children!)

thus, to grow, emotions, must be guided by wisdom! wisdom how? by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
eg: an eaglet is born with a little tooth in its beak, to hatch itself outta its own egg. it is an arduous struggle, and some people try to help it. unfortunately, the eaglets who receive "help" usually dies not long after that.

here's an amazing Word from proverbs 4:7 i gotta add: 
"the beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom (skillful and godly wisdom)! And with all you've gotten, get understanding..."


CONCLUSION frm author: 

"whenever emotions rises up on the inside of me, I test it to see if its in line with the will of god. if its not...i resist it."-Joyce Meyer
that is how we fight our emotions-by using our will to make a decision to follow God's Word rather than our feelings.

the other way round-EMOTIONLESS??
when people are hurt badly in the past, some develop hard cores and build up high walls to prevent themselves from being hurt.

but you know what? emotions are from God, to gain a conscience, so that we know if we're hurting others! if not, our "moral understanding is darkened and reasoning beclouded" (Ephesians 4:17)

this is VERY dangerous...and that's why the world tells us, "if it feels good, do it!"

remember it is never a matter of "i shouldn't be feeling this way", BUT a matter of crying out to God and functioning in self-control.

ever got an emotional high?
there will be periods of time in which you feel more emotional than usual! like you feel depressed in the morning for no apparent reason.
that's when you gotta watch out, 'cos your feelings is gonna get hurt very easily.
and these things happen...because w/o going into trying times, you will not learn anything. 
remember god says that he will never allow any more to come upon us than we are able to bear (1 Cor 10:13)

ever been to something so exiting and you returned home, wishing it would remain that way?
(rachel says i did..lots of times!)
thing is, too much of emotional highs, will wear us out emotionally. 

sometimes after an emotional high, we need to REST and RECUPERATE. zzzz...

manic depression = moving from one extreme emotion to the other
health experts have discovered this term, and concluded that balance is the key.
thing is, we have to learn to manage these extremes to acheive this balance!
what people usually do when they're emotionally down, is that they will 
1. act out of character (extroverted person become quiet, vice versa)
2. because they rather do so than reveal that they're depressed to others. (aiya, don't bother about me ar. i'm upset now, so that's why i'm quiet)

answer: we should be honest about how we feel with people. don't say nothing! because you can cause serious confusion among the people who are around you. (they think they made you mad)

worse, negative thoughts may be planted in their heads.

people will always respect a person who is straightforward. and the devil always want us to be guilty and condemned by our emotions, so that we are not able to control our emotional upheavals in the future.

the price for catering to our emotions
thing is, there are a lot of verses in the bible about the consequences of catering to our emotions. but i think this sums it up:

god still loves a person who is an emotional wreck =) he's not happy with the lifestyle we're in, because he is unable to do what is supposed to be done in you.

if you had lots of $, and you had a kid who's always led a spendthrift lifestyle, with addictive habits, you can't give your inheritance to him, because you know it's going to go faster than you will say jack robinson!

final note
"when faced with any difficult decision, wait until you have a clear answer before taking a step that you may regret. Emotions are wonderful, but they must not be allowed to take precedence over wisdom and knowledge. Remember: control your emotions, don't let them control you."

(Joyce Meyer, 1997)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm talking to Ya!

Hi God!

My hands are a bit shaky from hunger, but that's because I want to talk to YOU, first before I get started with real work...You know la...once I've started with work, there's no way to stop!

THERE's so much to do this week!
1. sushi session with Kajsa, hopefully
2.talking with Vivien, hopefully
3. MAjor Project + Presentation for marketing due this week!!!
4. Design project gotta get started 
(okay I'm listening to hillsong newest UNited...and its so awesome!!!)
5....History!!! I havent started writing anything...

But I'm going to get started right after this.

Firstly I'll say first how much I am amazed by You. How real You are to me. I have seen YOur goodness in my life, and I'm deciding to really, and I promise You, really take you seriously in every aspect in my life.
And You know God, how I feel about promises.
I simply have to type all of this down. Because that's my primary way of expressing myself.

I used to be a bit fearful, more than just fearful and over-controlling over my future.
NOW, I know that I have someone taking care of my plans.
And because You are so much better at making plans than I am, MY main point is...

I'm handing it all to You. 
Since You have promised favor on me, I'm going to bet on You, God.
I'm going to make time and prioritize time for You.
Because life is getting more interesting. And I rather live one day in Your presence, than a thousand days in this world.

In this week, I'm going to compile a set of goals for this year.
Promise 1: Alright, and I'll wake up 5:30am every day for quality time with You. (except sundays)
If I was nearly able to that, then I believe that I am able to wake up. 
Help me to wake up okay...

On Work:
Lord, I get so much advice and varying influences on whether I should work, or not.
Lord God, I need to know if it is wise for me to do so next semester. True, there will be free days, but I need to know if it is wise for me to do I do not want to jeapordize my studies.

On Church:
Lord God, I need to know for sure, if Hillsong is the right church for me to go to.
there are people who say that things that I am not sure of. Give me the wisdom to discern these information. I want to do what's Your will, not what people think is right.
This I know: no church, absolutely no church is perfect. There will always be a church that has a defect leader, or there will be always a preacher that trips up, there will be always boring churches with sleepy hymns. This I know firsthand. I have seen many churches, Lord, to know this. This again, is part of Your plan.
Personally, I feel that in every message, everyone must listen to it actively; in the sense that they are discerning and taking it with accordance to the Spirit. A mature Christian, with a personal r/s with God, because they know the voice and touch of their father so well, they will know what is right. That's what I think anyway.
And God...

You know I dream of becoming a cell-leader. But I feel that I lack something...well heck, we all always feel inadequate. But Lord God hey, I trust in Your timing. If there is something that You want me to do, I will do it. I will do my very human best to do it. 

In front of me, are the plans for this week.
I hand them all to You. 
I will carry them out the best I can.
But because these are human plans, I will trust You and let You be in control.

Urgh, my back hurts from Captain Ball. God I hope this goes away soon...

God I...
thank You so much for loving me as I am, being patient with my silly blurness and laziness when I say I wanna serve You, I did not know I would be even considering taking up part-time (work-wise..cos in real life we are all in full-time) ministry.
I will do whatever it takes to be closer to You, God!

Love ya,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I think the principles (moral of the story) in this video are really hard to emulate, as admirable as they may be.
Still, its always worth a try =)


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wonderful Long Easter Weekend

Good Friday turned not so good, 3pm
Had a great session at hillsong with Brooke Fraser! (she sings so well! I cried.)

One fine day chopping onions, I've decided that I will not stand for being alone, moody, thoughtful and depressed (as you all usually notice) in my apartment.
proably cos got no internet+roomate not move in+everywhere I go internet hates me. ARGH

I have even stooped down to the level of stealing wifi from my old roomie's house!

Thus, I picked up my phone, and texted Mitch for a dinner!

After a misadventure of taking a wrong bus and doing exercise in the process, we ended safely at home-and I cooked macaroni carbonara! And Mitch explored my apartment.

Had a few good girl talk, and she spotted my facial kit. while being kepo...and she paid for it dearly
Yes, I do facials. When I feel like it, in an effort to "take care of myself".
Actually I secretly see it as an indulgence.

Then I dragged herkicking and screaming and transformed her into this:

So sad right. Cry, all you child-molesting protesters, cry.


You all know me better right.
Besides I wouldn't have tortured myself too. Muahahaha!See?
The benefits of clay+rosetoner+pearl cream:
-kind of decreases oil production
-suck up blackheads and dead skin
-calm skin
Then when I looked properly at the cake Mitch bought, I REALISED THAT IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY....nooo why didn't I see that on facebook?? lucky i invite her man...yum creamy sinful taro cake
I'm glad we had fun though, with the dinner, beer, the tea too much tea and talk.

Good Saturday, around 9am.
The morning-after was a bit blur as we woke up early. see the birthday girl so sleepyBeware of the "pao-zhou po/niang"Mitch and her natural photographyfinally she's 20!!(not old laaa) and awake
Gotta catch the train to the Easter Show!
Met up with Andy and Granma. It was really fun. Seriously, contrary to popular belief it can be, even without friends.
After that we went on a mini-adventure to search for the Ashfield RSL club to eat a $20-buffet. Eat till you burst. Loved the desserts. Ate Sinful chocolate cake again.

*more photos in part 2!*

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sorry to people who reads this blog..

Sorry to whoever who reads this blog.. Im just busy recently with my life..
Work occupied me 24 hours... haha k lar.. i stop exaggerate it..
I will update this blog as frequent as possible !

The difference between 'potentially' and 'reality'

The youngest son asked his father: Daddy, what is the difference between 'potentially' and 'reality"

Dad: I will show you.

Dad turned to his wife and asked: "Would you sleep with Tom Cruise for 1 million dollars?"

Wife: Yes. I would never waste such an opportunity to become a millionaire. Then dad turned to his daughter: Would you sleep with Will Smith for 2 million dollars?

Daughter: Yes. That is my fantasy.

Dad turned to his son: Would you sleep with Denzel Washington for 1 million dollars?

Son: Yes. Imagine what I would do with 1 million.

Dad to his youngest son: You see "potentially' we are sitting on 4 million. But in "reality" we are living with 2 prostitutes and 1 gay.

See what money does, it exposes people to what they really are.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parting of Ways

Yo those who actually do read this blog, that is.

Its glaringly obvious that Ar. Haan has temporarily(I hope) abandoned his blog.
Therefore, I do apologize to those who might be reading this which is highly unlikely, of course!
I haven't exactly consulted him on this, but as a man who finishes what he starts, I will continue to make good use of this space...

Oh, I've successfully enrolled and am now an official UNSW architectural student =)

Before you all cry irrational stuff likeAhaha...on a personal note, I believe that this blog will be improved and be henceforth, more interesting, since the co-authors study in diff universities, we can both blog all about the various stupid hellish things our universities do to us archi know, as a warning to the innocent wide-eyed juniors out there. No threat intended. Not.

But seriously la...Newcastle has been great for me. I did a lot of firsts. Lets see...


1. First time hanging out with guys only-ok la its not too a big deal but I realised its real cool, you know? They have a totally different view on things.
2. First time not sleeping for a night straight-not another one I'm looking forward to, but an experience nevertheless!
3. First time having such wacky lecturers-will perhaps sort of miss the funny Mr JR a.k.a. John Roberts. All experiences weren't sweet with him, but I have taken his critics constrctively and learn from it in the future.
4. Asked a guy to dance-CRAZYness to the extreme!...No regrets on that one although he refused like I expected him (a typical chinese educated Msian) to, I went on to
5. Dance with other guys...was it cha cha or salsa? It was a very interesting experience that brought further insight on many things...:P
6. And of course, doing drinking games...haih, thank goodness tak ade hangovers i will never ever attempt that...but most likely thanks to the gentlemanly guys who once drank my share for me when the doubles came, knowing I hated beer...:D aww
7. First presentation!....scary but I guess it was okay....on my family/unity concept...2 Rooms
8. My first university. How can I ever forget my first la?
no matter how Taman-Negara-ish it is...
9. My first and possibly best ever, studio experience with my coursemates.
I will so totally miss that. Newcastle studios definitely beat UNSW's..
10. Oh. And my first co-authored blog! A great place to create mischief and write and post pictures that is product of the sien-ness we experience here!
eg:check out Haan's perverted paper cranes...

Rest assured, Newcastle shall always be a part of me!